Converting between frame and embedded object

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Converting between frame and embedded object

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You can convert a frame (for example, a picture frame) into an object that is embedded in the text (for example, a picture) at any time.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Select the desired object.
2.Right-click on the object to open its context menu.
3.In the context menu, choose the command Convert to embedded object.

The picture frame is now converted into an "ordinary" picture that is embedded in the text.

Of course, the reverse way is also possible: If you select an embedded object (for example, a picture) and choose the command Convert to object frame in the context menu, the picture will become a picture frame.

Tip: With the Convert button (in the group Objects) on the object-specific ribbon tab, you can also convert a frame into an embedded object and vice versa.

For an illustrative description of how a frame differs from an embedded object, see Frames and drawings.