Paragraph alignment

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Paragraph alignment

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Text paragraphs can be aligned in the following ways:

paragraph_align_left   Left align

paragraph_align_center   Center

paragraph_align_right   Right align

paragraph_align_block   Justify (here, the words are distributed evenly over the available space)

Applying via the buttons of the command group "Paragraph"

To change the paragraph alignment via the ribbon buttons, proceed as follows:

1.Place the text cursor in the desired paragraph (or select several paragraphs).
2.Choose the desired paragraph alignment on the ribbon tab Start | group Paragraph.

Shortcut keys

You can also use the following shortcut keys to change the paragraph alignment:




Left align






Right align






In the dialog box of the command group "Paragraph"

If you only want to change the paragraph alignment, the options in the dialog box are exactly the same as the buttons described above. Thus, it is only advisable to use the dialog box if you also want to use other paragraph formatting options that are not available as buttons.

You open the dialog box for paragraph alignment by clicking on the group arrowgroup_arrow in the bottom right corner of the ribbon tab Home | group Paragraph. On the Paragraph tab, you will find the paragraph alignment in the dropdown list Alignment.