Saving charts as pictures

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Saving charts as pictures

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You can save an image of a chart as a picture file at any time. This makes it easier to share the chart with others or to insert it into a web page or any other document.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Click to select the desired chart.
2.Right-click on the chart and choose the command Save as picture from the context menu.
3.In the Save as type list, select the desired picture format.
Tip: The PNG format is always a good choice here since it offers good and completely lossless compression.
4.Enter the file name under which you want to save the picture and confirm with OK.
5.Another dialog box appears. Select the desired resolution for the picture or manually enter your own values for the width and height. Then confirm with OK.

Write now creates a corresponding picture file with an image of the chart.