The Z axis of a chart is also called the series axis. It is only available for certain three-dimensional chart types.
Tip: For more information on showing or hiding axes, see Showing/hiding axes and axis titles.
Changing properties: To change the properties of the series axis, select it, right-click it and choose the command Series Axis: Properties from the context menu.
Tip: Alternatively, you can choose this command via the Edit properties icon on the ribbon tab Chart | group Chart elements. The other alternative is to double-click on the axis.
You can make the following settings:
Format tab
Tip: Lines can also be conveniently adjusted directly via the buttons of the ribbon tab Chart | group Chart elements. For more information, see Editing chart elements.
▪Line section
Here, you can change the line style used to draw the axis. Auto uses a thin gray standard line. None removes the line. The option Custom lets you customize the line style. |
▪Major ticks and Minor ticks sections
Here, you can determine whether small tick marks should be displayed to divide the axis and specify their appearance. |
▪Tick labels section
Here, you can determine whether labels should be displayed for the tick marks and where to place them. |
Scale tab
You can use this tab to change the scale of the axis.
▪Number of series between... section
By default, Write makes a tick mark on the axis for each data series and labels it. You can change these intervals via the following options: |
The option Tick marks determines which data series are marked with a tick mark. Enter 1, and a tick mark will be set for every data series. Enter 2, and a tick mark will be set for every second data series, etc. |
The option Tick labels determines which tick marks to label. Enter 1, and each tick mark will be labeled. Enter 2, and every second tick mark will be labeled, etc. |
▪Invert axis direction
If this option is enabled, the direction of the axis will be reversed. The order of the data series will also be reversed accordingly; the chart will thus start with the last series and end with the first series. |
Font tab
You can use this tab to change the formatting of the axis labels.
In addition to font, font size, and text styles, you can also set the alignment, rotate the labels and change the numeric format.