Showing/hiding lines

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Showing/hiding lines

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Note: This option can only be used for line charts and area charts.

You can use the options for lines, for example, to illustrate the spacing between the individual data series in a line chart.

The following types of lines are available:

Drop lines are lines displayed from the data points to the horizontal axis.

High-low lines are lines displayed between the highest and lowest data points (for two or more data series).

To show/hide drop lines or high-low lines, proceed as follows:

Via the "Add chart element" icon

Select the chart and use the ribbon command Chart | Add chart element chart_add_element_icon to choose the entry Lines. In the following submenu, you can choose between Drop lines and High-low lines. A check mark in front of it indicates the option which is currently enabled.

You can hide the lines by selecting the entry None.

The entry More takes you to the dialog box with additional options (see below).

Via the dialog box

For additional options, choose the path via the dialog box:

1.Select the chart by clicking on it.
2.Use the ribbon command Chart | Add chart element chart_add_element_icon to choose the entry Lines and select More in the following submenu to open the dialog box.
Alternatively: Select the desired data series and right-click to open the context menu and select the entry Series: Properties.
3.Switch to the Options tab and enable the desired settings.

For more information on the options of the dialog box, see Data series and data points, "Options" tab.