Updating tables of references

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Updating tables of references

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Important: If you insert a table of references (table of contents, index, table of figures or bibliography) into a document and then continue editing the text, these tables of references are not automatically updated on an ongoing basis.

Thus, if the page numbers of the document change because you type additional text, the tables of references will still display the old page numbers. If, for example, you add new headings, the table of contents does not expand automatically.

To ensure that a document's tables of references reflect the current state of the document, you must update them. To do so, proceed as follows:

For the index, choose the command References | group Index | Generate to open the dialog box again and confirm with OK.*

The faster alternative: References | group Index | Update index_update_icon

For the table of contents, choose the command References | group Table of contents | Generate to open the dialog box again and confirm with OK.

The faster alternative: References | group Table of contents | Update toc_update_icon

For the table of figures, choose the command References | group Captions | Generate to open the dialog box again and confirm with OK.*

The faster alternative: References | group Captions | Update captions_update_icon

For the bibliography, choose the command References | group Bibliography | Generate to open the dialog box again and confirm with OK.*

The faster alternative: References | group Bibliography | Update biblio_update_icon

For the bibliography with Zotero, choose the command References | group Zotero | Refresh zotero_refresh_icon.

*Important: Make sure that the option "Replace existing ..." is selected for Placement when you proceed via the dialog box. For the alternative path directly via the ribbon command Update, the existing table of references is always replaced automatically.

Write now removes the existing table of references and replaces it with an updated version.

Note: Before printing a document containing tables of references, always remember to update the tables, so that they reflect the document's current state.