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As with a book, you can also add markers to Write documents to quickly retrieve important passages of text, for example. These markers are called bookmarks.

To insert a bookmark, choose the command Insert | Bookmark at the desired position in the text and give the bookmark a name. Once you have marked a position in the text in this way, you can jump to it at any time with the command Home | Go to.

Setting bookmarks

To mark a position in the text, set a bookmark there. To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Move the text cursor to the position in the text where you want to set the bookmark.
2.Choose the ribbon command Insert | group Links | Bookmark bookmark_icon.
3.Type in any name for the bookmark.
Note: Bookmark names may contain only letters, numbers and underscores. Special characters are not allowed. The first character must always be a letter.
4.Click on OK to set the bookmark.

You can create as many bookmarks as you want in any document.

Retrieving bookmarks

To retrieve a bookmarked position in the text, proceed as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command Home | Go to goto_icon or press F5.
2.Select Bookmark from the Go to list.
3.Select the desired bookmark from the list or enter its name manually.
4.Confirm with Go to if necessary.

Write now moves the text cursor to the position in the text where you created the bookmark.

Tip: Alternatively, use the sidebar to retrieve bookmarks. For more information, see Navigating with the sidebar.

Deleting bookmarks

If you no longer need a bookmark, you can delete it at any time. To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command Insert | Bookmark bookmark_icon.
2.Select the bookmark you want to delete from the list or enter its name manually.
3.Click on Delete.
Alternatively, click on Delete all to remove all bookmarks.

Note: When you delete a passage of text containing a bookmark, the bookmark is deleted automatically.

Displaying bookmarks in the document

Bookmarks are invisible by default. However, you can make them visible if required. To do so, enable the option Display bookmarks in the document in the dialog box of the ribbon command Insert | Bookmark. Bookmarks are then displayed in the text (surrounded by angle brackets).

Alternatively, you can use the ribbon command Toggle bookmarks bookmark_show_hide_icon directly on the ribbon tab View | group Fields to change the mode.

Note: You will also find the corresponding option as Show bookmarks in the dialog box of the ribbon command File | Properties, View tab.