Character formatting

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Character formatting

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On the ribbon tab Home | group Character, you will find the most frequently used commands to change the appearance of single or multiple characters in the text.

Common commands: Via the icons of the command group "Character"


You can use the group icons to directly make the following settings:

Font and font size

Text styles (for example, bold, italics, underlined)


Superscripts and subscripts

Resetting the character formatting

Additional options: In the dialog box of the command group "Character"

If you click on the group arrowgroup_arrow in the bottom right corner of the ribbon tab Home | group Character, the program opens a dialog box in which you will find additional options for character formatting.

The displayed dialog box has several tabs that you can switch between by clicking on one of the tab headers:

Font tab

For selecting properties like Font and font size, other Text styles, Colors, Language, Hiding text, and Protecting text

Spacing tab

For changing properties like Superscripts and subscripts, Letter spacing and character pitch, and enabling/disabling Kerning

Hyperlink tab

For inserting and editing hyperlinks (for example, to web pages). For more information, see Using hyperlinks.


The Reset button can be found on each tab and allows you to cancel all the changes made in the opened dialog box as long as you have not confirmed them with OK. If you want to know how to remove the character formatting that is already applied to the text, see Resetting the character formatting.

The Set as default button lets you apply changes to the character formatting as the new default setting for the document. For more information, see Changing the default character formatting.

Changing character formatting

There are two ways to change character formatting:

To subsequently change the character formatting, select the desired text and apply the appropriate formatting (font, font size, etc.) via the icons or via the dialog box.

To change the character formatting as you type new text, select a different font and then simply continue typing. From that point on, all text that you enter will appear in the new font – until you select a different font again.

See the following pages for more detailed information on character formatting.